Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana is a great way to warm up. It increases blood circulation and stimulates the core and other peripheral parts of the body, preparing your body for the upcoming poses.


  • Enhance your posture
  • Tighten the abs and buttocks
  • Tighs, knees, and ankles are strengthened
  • Helps with sciatica (pain that affects the back, hips, and the outer side of the legs)

Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Pose)

This pose activates the rectus abdominus and related abdominals while also exercising the hip and thigh muscles. This pose is one of the most powerful ways to lose weight around your waist and hips during pregnancy.


  • Helps with gastrointestinal problems including acidity and constipation.
  • Relieves back pain
  • Enhances the functioning of reproductive organs
  • Aids in blood circulation.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This is one of the simple poses of Hatha Yoga, and it stimulates the solar plexus area. The forward bend, in addition to being a tummy toning pose, also provides an excellent stretch to the hamstrings, thighs, and hips. It's also great for people who have stomach problems.


  • It relieves tension and teaches Udyankriya manners.
  • Menstrual periods are more balanced.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

This asana can aid with indigestion and constipation, as well as other digestive issues. Because your knees press against your tummy, staying in this position for more than a minute encourages fat to be burned in that area.


  • Back and abdominal muscles are strengthened
  • Aids digestion and gas release
  • Tones legs and arms muscles

Marjariasana (Cow Cat Pose or Cat Pose)

The strong contraction of the abdominal muscles that occurs while retaining the posture aids in the melting of fat and consequently the reduction of belly size. Also, it is very beneficial for enhancing spine flexibility. 


  • Strengthens the spinal column
  • Assists in the correction of posture
  • Relieves tension in the lower back

Relax with Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

After a strenuous workout, you should allow your body to unwind, and Corpse Pose is the perfect asana for that. 


  • Assists you in achieving a deep, contemplative state of relaxation, which can help with tissue healing and stress alleviation. 
  • Assists in the reduction of blood pressure, sleeplessness, and anxiety

Along with all of these yoga positions for belly fat reduction, you should also focus on eating nutritious foods.