Yoga for belly fat

Are you tired with your belly fat? Here are the best yoga asana that will help you lose weight effectively.

The excess weight that accumulates around your abdomen over time is referred to as belly fat. Yoga is an excellent weight-loss tool that can assist you in losing weight.

If you are really trying to lose belly fat, take small meals, increase physical exercise, consume a balanced diet, replace sugary foods and drinks with healthier alternatives, sleep on time, and modify your lifestyle. Yoga is one of the fastest ways to lose weight around your stomach. It is the most secure and effective alternative. You can practise yoga at home or outside, depending on your taste.Yoga poses that help you lose belly fat are also good for your whole body since they strengthen your abs, boost your physical activity, and make you feel better both inside and out.

Yoga poses to reduce belly fat:

Bhujangasana (cobra pose) is another name for this pose. It relaxes and strengthens your lower back as well as your abdominal muscles. When it comes to decreasing the extra fat around your stomach, this position is really effective. For optimal results, hold this stance for 25-30 seconds and repeat it at least 10 times.

Dhanurasana (bow pose) is another name for this posture. It strengthens your abs while also removing the excess weight from your abdomen. It aids in the rapid loss of fat. To see the successful results, hold this pose for at least 60 seconds.

Kumbhakasanais also known as the plank pose. It's a well-known pose that's great for burning stomach fat and toning abdominal muscles. By applying pressure to your abs, it strengthens them. Hold this pose for as long as you can, and make it a habit to do so every day.

Naukasanaoften knownas the boat pose. It's the most effective yoga pose for toning your core muscles. It helps you lose weight on your sides and front tummy. It is quite beneficial to your abdominal muscles. To see results, hold this stance for 60 seconds.

Ustrasanaalso known as the camel pose. It's a challenging pose, but it's excellent for reducing belly fat. It works swiftly to remove stomach fat. To see a difference, hold this pose for up to 10 minutes.


Better do these asanas for flat stomach in the before breakfast for better results.