Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat

Habitual yoga practice has various health benefits, not just for the body but also for the mind and soul. Specific yoga asanas can help you burn fat while also enhancing your flexibility and muscular strength and tone.

Take a look at these yoga asanas!

Knees To Chest Pose or Apanasana

You can try this yoga pose to release menstrual cramps and bloating, which also aids in the melting of fat around the stomach and lower back. This exercise also quickens digestion and helps regular bowel movements by making a downward energy flow.

Start by lying down on your back and take deep breaths. Exhale while pulling your knees up to your chest. Place your shoulder edges near your waist. Tuck your chin downwards and keep your face aligned with the centre of your body. Hold this position for 10-15 sec, or until you can breathe comfortably. Slowly move your knees from side to side to get the most stretch possible. Come back to your initial position as you breathe. Repeat the asana for a minimum of six times after relaxing for a minute.

Downward Dog Pose or AdhoMukhaSvanasana

Keeping this pose effectively retains your core, making it an excellent yoga for belly fatreduction, abdominal strength and toning.

Set your knees precisely below your hips and your hands slightly ahead of your shoulders as you get down on your hands and knees. Toes should be turned under and palms and index fingers spread out. Keep your knees slightly bent and lift them off the floor as you exhale. Lengthen the tailbone and press it lightly against the pubis. Stretch your heels towards the floor and pull your thighs back. Knees should be straight but not locked. Extend your outer arms and thighs, and energetically press the palms into the floor. Maintain a tight grip on your shoulder blades and bring them toward your tailbone. Maintain a comfortable distance between your upper arms and your head.Hold for one to three minutes, then exhale and bend knees to the floor, returning to Child's pose.

How many times should I perform yoga exercises?

Even if you only practice yoga for an hour a week, you will reap the benefits. You will undoubtedly reap greater benefits if you can commit more time to yoga. If you're a beginner, start by practicing once or twice a week for 20 minutes to an hour each time. As you progress, increase the time to an hour and a half each time.