Thigh Fat Reducing Exercises

It is well known that reducing the fat from a single part is really hard. It is always advisable to reduce the overall fat in the body. It is not possible to reduce a single part as you will not know where the weight will get reduced in the body. All a person needs to do is have a healthy diet and do proper exercise which will help in achieving a perfect and fit body.  There are many exercises which a person can include in their routine which will help in reducing the fat in the thigh.

Sumo squats:

To do this exercise one needs to stand straight on the ground with the legs wide apart more than the hip-width and toes at an angle of forty five degree. Squat down by bending the knees and pushing the hips back. Have your hand near your chest. One needs to bend until the thigh is practical to the ground and the shin is vertical. Use the heels to stand right back after holding the position. While doing this keep the shoulders high and the back straight.

Forward lunges:

For doing this exercise have the feet wide apart and the hands on the hips. Move any one foot forward while keeping your hands on the hip. Make sure your front and the back side of the body is at a 90 degree angle when you lower the body. The back leg should face towards the floor while the front should be straight and the toes should not cross. Hold the position for 5 seconds before returning back to the position. Now do 15 reps and then change the leg and repeat it.

Jumping squats:

With your feet apart stand straight on the ground. While jumping, spread the legs to shoulder width apart and spread the hands at the same time. Have your feet together while landing back on the floor. Now repeat the process.

Leg lifts:

With stretched legs lie on the ground. Rest the foot flat on the ground while bending the knees. One leg should rest flat while the other should be bent. Now lift the flat leg to the height of the bent leg and then repeat it.