Reduce Belly Fat Yoga

If you are serious to reduce belly fat then it’s time to try these yoga poses in your daily routine to lose belly fat.

Standing Yoga Pose:

The warrior posture is a yoga pose that strengthens the abdomen and upper body. One of the most common postures for toning the abdominal muscles is the forward bend, which is also known as the bridge. These poses develop the trunk and upper body muscles, which are necessary for supporting the lower back, head, and abs.

Surya Namaskar:

Whether you're looking to remove belly fat, shed weight, or tone up your entire body, yoga can help. In that, the Surya Namaskar is the best option. It's a 12-pose yoga sequence with a lot of force. It's not only a wonderful cardiovascular workout, but it may also be extremely beneficial to your body and mind. This asana is done to strengthen the strength of your stomach muscles, as well as to tone your thighs and back.


This is the best yoga for losing weight and belly fat, but you must exercise more carefully when performing this asana. You must rotate your upper body in this pose such that both legs are spread outwards. To do this pose correctly, you must maintain good balance. There are two levels - internal and externalmethods.

Camel Pose:

Camel pose is an excellent yoga for a bloated stomach, since it improves blood circulation while also strengthening back muscles. Be placed with your knees bend over and feet level on the floor. Lift your body up from the knees so that your complete body weight is supported. Slowly arch your back and place your palms on your feet's heels. Make sure your arms are straight and your elbows aren't bent.

The Cobra Pose:

This pose not only helps you lose belly fat, but it also increases back flexibility and relieves stress and exhaustion. To achieve this pose, lie on your stomach with your legs stretched out and your toes touching. Place the palms on the floor and raise the hands to shoulder level. Bend till your head is inclined, then hold it for 20-30 seconds. Then, by bringing your hands to your sides and bending forward to rest your forehead on the floor, you can release the pose.

As we already said, yoga can’t just give you a flat belly. You must do it on a daily basis along with a healthy diet, and good sleeping.