Pre Workout Meal for Weight Loss

Pre-workout meals are an essential component of any fitness program. Eat the proper food before an exercise since eating the right food helps you stay in shape during a workout. Here are some pre-workout foods to help you grow muscle and lose weight:


Pre-workout meals for muscle gain:-

Hard-boiled eggs and Green Salad with Whole wheat bread

Serve one slice of bread with a green salad or hard-boiled eggs, as eggs are high in protein and Vitamin D, while green salads are high in vitamins. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, fiber, and phytonutrients are all found in green salads, which are also low in calories. As a result, this is an excellent choice for a pre-workout lunch.


Oats are a great source of fiber and slowly release carbs. As a result, your body stores energy during your workout, enhancing the power of harder training. It is also a source of Vitamin B, which converts to carbohydrates and thus provides our bodies with a large amount of energy.

Grilled chicken

Chicken is a rich source of protein and has a lot of nutrients. This would be an excellent choice if you want to increase muscle. Chicken is also high in calcium and phosphorus, which helps to maintain bone health.

Fruits, especially banana

Fruits are high in fiber and include a variety of vitamins and minerals. A diet high in fruits and vegetables can help those with high blood cholesterol, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes. Consuming a banana before exercising will help you meet your potassium requirements, which support muscle function and reduces muscle cramps.

Pre-workout meals for weight loss


Quinoa is typically available in two colors: red and white. Proteins, monounsaturated fats, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamin E and B6, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, iron, and magnesium are all found in abundance. It is gluten-free and aids in the reduction of abdominal fat.

Whey protein shake

Whey protein is high in important amino acids, which are easily absorbed by the body. Drinking whey protein before a workout offers you strength and helps you lose weight, according to fitness researchers. 

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are high in complex carbs, fiber, vitamin C, and other minerals. As a result, eating it as a pre-workout meal will keep you energized throughout your workout. 

Remember to eat these about 2-3 hours before your workout. During your weight loss journey, these meals are also the best options to include in your breakfast.