Post Workout Meal for Weight Loss

After your next workout, try one of the snacks below if you want to lose weight:

Peanut Butter-Coated Bananas

If you're hungry after your workout, eat a banana with a dollop of peanut butter. However, make sure you use pure peanut butter that is free of sugar and palm fat. Carbohydrates, potassium, and magnesium are all found in bananas. Peanut butter is a high-fat, high-protein food.

Baked Sweet Potato & Egg

When you want a snack with a lot of biological content, sweet potato and egg are a great combo. This number indicates how many grammes of body-produced protein can be obtained from 100 grammes of dietary protein.

Greek Yogurt with Berries

Greek yoghurt is high in protein, with each container (200 g) containing 10 to 15 g of the macronutrient. Fresh or frozen raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries are low in calories, carbs, and antioxidants.


Have you tried this fantastic weight-loss snack yet? The green soybeans are low in calories, with only 125 calories in 100 grammes of edamame. 100 g of chips, on the other hand, has roughly 500 calories. Furthermore, one serving of edamame has roughly 15 grammes of protein.

Cottage Cheese with Vegetable Sticks

Cottage cheese is a great source of protein. Serve it with carrot or cucumber spears as a side dish. After a workout, this amino acid increases muscle protein synthesis. When you rest, the more calories you burn the more muscle you have. As a result, you'll be able to shed even more pounds.

Quinoa Salad

A wonderful post-workout meal is a mixed quinoa salad. You can have the leftovers for lunch the next day if you cook a little more. Quinoa, a "pseudo-cereal," is a plant-based protein source. Quinoa offers about 15 grammes of protein per 100 grammes. Add some beans and chickpeas to boost the protein content.

Post-Workout Shake

Peanut butter and bananas are a delicious combination, especially in a shake. Combine them with a little milk, freshly grated vanilla, and chocolate powder. Enjoy a post-workout shake that is free of artificial protein powder.

Savory Muffins

You can get plenty of protein by eating two or three savoury vegetable muffins. The best part about this recipe is that you can make a large quantity of your post-workout snack in advance.Are you lacking in carbohydrates? Then all you need is a slice of whole grain bread to eat them with.