HIIT Workout for Weight Loss

HIIT cardio workout is one of the finest ways to exercise without spending a lot of money on expensive equipment.


Burpees are a two-part workout that begins with a push-up and ends with a leap into the air. Burpees work all of your muscles and are mostly used to strengthen your calves, chest, triceps, shoulder, biceps, glutes, and lats.

High Knees

Another basic exercise that doesn't require any additional equipment is high knees.High knees develop all of the muscles in your legs and raise your heart rate, which enhances your body's coordination and flexibility.

Lunge Jumps

Lunge jumps are a more advanced version of the standard walking lunge. The workout is jumping high into the air and then switching to your other foot in front of you before landing. This activity burns a lot of calories and doesn't require any weight lifting equipment. It also aids in the increase of your heart rate.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks, also refer as side-straddle hop, is a full-body workout that can be performed practically at anyplace because it requires no special equipment.

Mountain Climbers

It's not easy to climb mountains! But what if the mountains disintegrate into plains? That is, after all, the logic underlying the Mountain Climbers game.To give the impression of climbing a mountain while on the ground. This workout is well-known for its several advantages, including increased cardiac endurance and agility. Mountain Climber, once again, works the entire body.

Rope Jumping

Thousands of individuals prefer rope jumping, often known as skipping, to running because of its numerous advantages. It appears to be simple, burns a lot of calories, and is a lot of fun.


The most prevalent bodyweight activity is push-ups. They are, nevertheless, difficult for beginners. When you train on a daily basis, though, you become accustomed to it and begin to enjoy it. Push-ups are the ideal exercise for strengthening the upper body. It helps to develop the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Side Jackknife

The Side Jackknife is an exercise that works the oblique muscles, shoulders, and quadriceps. The glutes and hip flexors are also involved.

Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is a quick and easy approach to strengthen your core and hips. The Russian Twist is a well-known workout among athletes because it produces after-effects that allow athletes to quickly twist and shift directions.

TRX Pull-up

Pull-ups on the TRX need a lot of upper-body strength. However, if you know the proper technique and have put in a lot of practise time, it can be simple. You'll also need a TRX trainer to complete this.