Exercises for Belly Fat at Home

Do you have a problem with abdominal fat? Here are 5 of the most efficient abs workouts, as well as some helpful hints.

1. Abdominal Hold

Place your hands on the edge of a strong chair, fingers pointed toward your knees. Tighten your abs and elevate your hips off the chair by bringing your toes 4 inches off the floor.

For around 10 seconds, stay in this position. Lower yourself and do it again. For 1 minute, repeat this abs workout. This will undoubtedly aid in the reduction of belly fat.

2. The Side Crunch

Kneel on the floor and lean to your right, then right palm on the ground. Extend your left leg slowly and point your toes. Target your elbow headed for ceiling with left side hand behind the head. Then, slowly elevate your leg to hip height while extending your arm palm forward above your leg.

Look out over your hand as you move the left side of your rib cage toward your hip. Start with the initial position and repeat 6–8 times before switching sides.

3. The Hundred

For a flat stomach, do the pilates hundred.

Sit with your knees bent by your chest and your hands at your sides on the mat. Lie down on your stomach with your legs bent and palms facing down.

Take a deep breath out and lift your head and shoulders off the mat. Using your fingertips, vigorously pump your arms 6 inches up and down. Exhale for 5 pumps after 5 pumps of inhalation. Make sure your chin is curved toward your chest.

4. The Prone Plank

Keep your palms on the ground below your shoulders and do a push-up.

With your abs taut, arms and legs stretched, and your head aligned with your spine, hold for 30 seconds. As you get strengths, try to retain this position for a minute.

5. The Single-Leg Stretch

With your knees bent, lie in the centre of the mat. Curl your chin toward your chest and lift your head and shoulders. Draw your left knee in toward your chest while inhaling and resting your left hand on your ankle and your right hand on your knee.

Raise your right leg to a 45-degree angle off the ground. Extend your left leg while drawing your right leg to your chest. Each time you switch legs, swap hands and place your right hand on your right ankle and your left hand on your right knee.