Best Way to Reduce Belly Fat

If you do these six things, you'll be on your way to a flatter stomach in no time!


Sleep deprivation can also disrupt hormone synthesis, changing cortisol levels, which can lead to insulin sensitivity and belly obesity. One of the best things you can do for your body shaping goals is to get roughly 7 hours of sleep per night.

Short bursts of exercises

Try planking, which involves holding oneself in a push-up position with your forearms resting on the ground. Try three or four sets of 30 seconds each. Going for walks throughout the day will also help you get up and moving.

Sugar is your Enemy

Reduce your calorie intake by eating more protein, veggies, and whole grains, as well as substituting healthy snacks for unhealthy ones. A sprinkling of cinnamon in your morning coffee or porridge is another fantastic technique; the spice has been demonstrated to help balance blood sugar levels. It also helps you feel fuller for longer by slowing the rate at which food leaves your stomach.

Vitamin C

Cortisol levels grow when you're under a lot of stress. Vitamin C helps to counteract the cortisol surges that occur during times of stress. Vitamin C is not only beneficial for fighting colds, but it is also required for the production of carnitine, a chemical that the body uses to convert fat into fuel, making it your fat-burning buddy.

Increase your vitamin C intake if you're going through an emotional crisis, work-related stress, or a poor eating binge; it'll assist combat the negative side effects. Bell peppers, greens, and kiwi fruits are all good options.

5. Eat Fat

Foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon, avocados, and walnuts, are examples of good fats. These foods are high in nutrients and will keep you satisfied for the rest of the day.

6. Slowing down your breath

This is a pretty basic strategy that you may utilize even if you're doing something else at the same time. Check your breathing if you see yourself becoming tense and irritable. Most people who are stressed either hold their breath and take short breaths alternately, or take quick shallow breaths. Relax your abdomen and slow your breathing when you've become aware of your own breathing. It's preferable if you concentrate on slowing down your exhalation rather than your inhalation for this to work. "Slow down," you can tell yourself with each exhalation. That's it—simple but surprisingly effective!!!