Best Fat Burning Exercises

Try the below top fat burning exercises for your lower body

1. Split Squat Lateral Hops

This is an excellent high-intensity exercise to include in any at-home fat-burning leg routine. A split squat with the left leg forward is the starting posture. Leap your feet into split squats in a left-right-left pattern, then jump laterally while still in the split squat position, then reverse to right-left-right split squats, and repeat.

2. Ratchet Squats

Start in a squat position with your feet shoulderwidth apart for these high-energy jumping squats, then jump up turning your body to the left. Return to the starting position and squat, then squat leap up, turning your body to the right, and return to the starting position. Even if you're going swiftly, make sure you're using good form.


Standing on your knees with hands behind your head and arms out to the sides is the starting position. One leg at a time, stand up into a squat stance with knees bent. Then, one leg at a time, return to the starting position by lowering your knees to the floor.


Begin in a standing position with your feet wider than shoulderwidth apart in a squat, arms parallel to the floor, and hands clasped. Rotate your arms and body to the left, lowering your left knee to the floor, and then to the right, lowering your right knee to the floor.

Try the below top fat burning workout for your upper body.

  1. Hover Hops

Start in a high-plank stance with your hands and feet hip width apart, then hop your feet in toward your torso and back out, repeating the process. Throughout this plank exercise, keep your core firm and your knees slightly bent.

  1. Step Through Pushups

Any upper-body workout should include a pushup variant, and this one is particularly difficult. Perform a pushup and then cross and under your body with your left leg, placing your left foot on the floor adjacent to your right side of the body. Return to the starting position, perform another pushup, then repeat with the right leg.

  1. Pushup Toe Taps

Another difficult pushup variation. Reach back and touch your right hand to your left toe after performing a pushup. Reverse the pushup and put your left hand to your right toe.

  1. Hover Pulses

This burnout feels tougher than it appears after the first three exercises! In a push-up position, hover and pulse.